Welcome to the Wordcraft Help Pages!
Getting Started
Our TMS works best with Google Chrome. Please make sure you’re using the latest version. If features don’t work, this is usually the reason. You can find our portal here: https://login.wordcraft.international
- In order to log into our platform you need your User ID and your Password which your Project Manager has sent to you via email.
- Finally, click on to reach the home page of your workspace.
- Should you have forgotten your password please click on ‘Forgot your password?’ The system then asks you for your User ID which is usually yourgivenname.yourlastname.
In order to accept or decline a standard job, you must first log into your Wordcraft workspace and view the job proposal.
View the Job Proposal
For a standard job, the job proposal may be viewed in three different ways:
Email Notification
You have received an email notification to inform you of a job opening. Click on the link to access the job.
Accept or Decline the Job
On the Job Details page, click on Accept or Decline Proposal. This page contains all the information you need for the project including the name, deadline, instructions, source and target languages, etc. You may also view or send messages regarding the job from the Job Details page.
If you click on Accept Proposal, you will see the pop-up shown below. Here you are able to provide an optional message to the client. In order to accept the proposal, the following must be completed:
- Don’t forget to tick the Terms and Conditions checkbox
- Click on OK when you are finished
Change the Status of the Job
Once the job proposal has been accepted, the status of the job will automatically be set to “In Progress”.
In the Documents section, you can see a list of the different documents that are part of the project.
Whenever you want to start the translation/revision of one of the documents, click on the arrow next to Not started and select Set to: In Progress in the drop-down menu.
If you finished your translation and did the QA please set the job status to “Completed”.
Recent Jobs Panel
- From the Recent jobs panel of the Home page.
- Click on Select to have access to the Job details page.
Menu Bar
- In the Menu Bar, click on Jobs to reach the Standard Jobs page (screenshot below).
- Click on Select to reach the Job Details page
In order to perform work for a job, the document must be opened in the CAT editor. This page will show you how to access the CAT editor and perform work.
First, access the Job Details page for the job by:
1. Clicking on Select to the right of the job in the Recent Jobs Panel.
2. Clicking on Jobs in the Menu Bar and Select for the appropriate job.
Then click on Conduct work to open the CAT Editor:
You can also change the job status in the editor
Or update the status of a job:
You will be able to accept/decline a job proposal directly from the Editor and therefore update the status of the job any time.
Click in the Status label on the right side, in our example above the current status is Not Started.
Depending on your user profile, the segments of the editor may be locked when you enter the job for the first time. This is to prevent you from editing until you confirm your availability to perform the task.
Just click on the status and a popup will open, presenting the main actions to take right away. You will be able to take the job assignment by clicking in continue and optionally send a message to your manager.
To accept the job, you also may need to accept the terms and conditions first to be able to edit the segments. That will help you to be aware of some specific requirements to do during your work.
In some cases the button to validate the action may be disabled until all the issues have been solved, preventing you from completing the job. Make sure you cover all requirements set for the job and in case of doubt contact your Project Manager for more details.
Let’s discover the new Editor!
1. Status bar and Job/document navigation
You can perform some actions at job level from the menu at the top of the screen:
In this section you will learn how to:
Update the status of the job
You will be able to accept/decline a job proposal directly from the Editor and therefore update the status of the job any time.
Click in the Status label on the right side, in our example above the current status is Not Started.
Depending on your user profile, the segments of the editor may be locked when you enter the job for the first time. This is to prevent you from editing until you confirm your availability to perform the task.
Just click on the status and a popup will open, presenting the main actions to take right away. You will be able to take the job assignment by clicking in continue and optionally send a message to your manager.
To accept the job, you also may need to accept the terms and conditions first to be able to edit the segments. That will help you to be aware of some specific requirements to do during your work.
Note that if you try to deliver a job too early, the system will alert you to prevent doing this action by mistake.
In some cases the button to validate the action may be disabled until all the issues have been solved, preventing you from completing the job. Make sure you cover all requirements set for the job and in case of doubt contact your project manager for more details.
Navigate your list of jobs
This element gives you visibility and direct access to other jobs available for you in the system by directly clicking on the jobs name or searching for a specific job reference.
The job’s list can be used for navigating the most recent jobs which are still open in your platform without exiting the Editor. This means, the Job’s menu will:
- NOT present the following items: Closed / Completed / cancelled / inactive… jobs.
- Moreover, jobs with status “Proposal”, “Not Started” or “In Progress” will be listed if created in the last 2 months. Jobs older than that will need to be retrieved from the Wordbee Translator platform (via the main Jobs tab).
2. General preferences and editor design settings
To configure other general aspects of the Editor like auto-propagation of translations, shortcuts, text font (size and color), the format of hits in the translation memory, among others. You need to refer to the general preferences window. You can access it from the click-wheel on the top right corner next to the user profile logo.
3. Main menu
This bar in the top of the Editor space gives you access to all the features that affect globally your job files.
You can download and check your reference materials, launch a preview of the source or target files, run QA checks, adjust the display of different elements of your CAT environment or even export/import your project (if you have the required user rights).
4. Quicktask bar
This bar gathers the most common functions you may use during your translation work.
Save | Save your work manually or access the Autosave function by clicking the little arrow next to the save icon
When autosave is on, you will see this icon from time to time. |
Refresh | Refresh without saving. This will allow you to see the work of your colleagues when in a collaborative scenario. | |||||
Batch Actions | Apply changes to your working segments. | |||||
Show/Hide formatting marks | Displays/Hides all font attributes and markup tags. | |||||
Search and Replace | Quick access to the text-based search and replace function. | |||||
Undo | Return to a previous version of your active segment. | |||||
Undo (history) | List of the recent actions that have been performed in the active segment. |
5. Power search bar
More than a regular search bar, the power search bar is located in the center of your screen, just above the working space of the editor.
This feature will allow you to perform different types of searches:
Simple search: look up in your document for some words/text strings, like in the search and replace tool.
Regular search: refine your simple search by giving some more restrictions (case specific, phrase match, wildcards or regular expressions).
Advanced search: narrow down your results by using and combining search operators. These are all the data categories that you can find in the CAT tool. Some of them are contained in the statistics view, but many others come from the different widgets and smart features available in the system.
Using search operators to filter segments
6. Page navigation bar
The page navigation bar will allow you to navigate throughout your document in a direct way.
By clicking on the icon you will access the full view of the bar, which is the place where you will also customize how many segments you want to display per page.
If you click on the magnifier icon you can choose a specific page you’d like to go to.